2020-2021 Maddie Purser 2020-2021 Maddie Purser

Ethics and Mount Everest

In recent years, the prospect of climbing Mount Everest has transformed from a remote possibility to an achievable feat—so long as someone has the funds to do so. Over the past few decades, Everest has become increasingly commercialized as permits are awarded to experienced and inexperienced climbers alike, and as guided expeditions grow in popularity. This trend of commercialization, while making Everest slightly more accessible to many, has spawned numerous problems.

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2020-2021 Joseph Nieto 2020-2021 Joseph Nieto

DEI Collab: Space Women

I want to use this space to recognize two brilliant scientists - two women named Henrietta Swan Leavitt and Jocelyn Bell Burnell who have by-and-large revolutionized astronomy. Without their contributions, we would be years if not decades behind where we are today.

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2020-2021 Julia Eccleston 2020-2021 Julia Eccleston

DEI Collab: Privilege and Defensiveness

Many white people, including myself, understand that while we may never truly know what it’s like to experience the world as a black person, it’s our time to step down and listen. When internalizing and confronting the racism that has been so normalized by society that we didn’t even notice it, there can occur a lot of growing pains as we recognize where we’ve been wrong. While necessary, this can be deeply uncomfortable for multiple reasons, and some people appear to be reacting in unproductive ways.

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2020-2021 Divya Mehta 2020-2021 Divya Mehta

Pandemic Ethics in Prisons

While incarcerated members of society have limited rights under the Constitution, they are still protected under the 8th Amendment, protecting them from cruel and unusual punishment and requiring that they are provided with a minimum standard of living. Thus, the adverse, potentially fatal, health implications of incarceration during the pandemic raises severe ethical concerns due to the undue harm experienced by inmates.

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2020-2021 Christina Oh 2020-2021 Christina Oh

DEI Collab: Creole Languages and Discrimination

In the 19th and 20th centuries, race theory was perpetuated by certain linguists who believed that many Africans spoke creoles because they weren’t “advanced” or “intelligent” enough to learn their colonizers’ language, whether that be English, French, Portuguese, etc…These incorrect labels and assumptions contribute greatly to the dehumanization of people of African descent, and some governments still weaponize these misconceptions to further certain political agendas.

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2020-2021 Sita Tayal 2020-2021 Sita Tayal

DEI Collab: Studentification - Is it ethical for UNC students to live in Northside?

The studentification of Northside has taken a neighborhood full of vitality and history and made its members feel like they no longer belong. While students do bring an economic influx to the area, its benefits are rarely felt by the original residents. Instead, rental companies who now own properties all across Northside benefit from the higher property value. If you are a student in Chapel Hill, what can you do to help?

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2020-2021 Ash Huggins 2020-2021 Ash Huggins

DEI Collab: Women in STEM

The statistical representation of women in STEM is dismal, with the percentage of women earning undergraduate degrees in fields such as computer science and engineering as low as 18-19%. From a young age, women are discouraged from focusing on STEM, as gender stereotypes, marketing, and an educational focus on male scientists throughout early curriculums lead to female students deviating from previous interests in STEM. This early societal conditioning, combined with the existence of the “glass ceiling,” leads to a vast underrepresentation of women in STEM fields.

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2020-2021 Maddie Purser 2020-2021 Maddie Purser

DEI Collab: Incorporating DEI into Ideas about the South

All too often, when people hear of troublesome issues in the American South, some amount of conscious or unconscious justification occurs. We look for reasons as to why something happened, or we brush off events as products of certain ways of life. In many ways, it is easier for people to cope with the idea of harmful practices if we can somehow rationalize them to ourselves; however, in reality, this process enables very real patterns of harm.

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2020-2021 Rali Sloan 2020-2021 Rali Sloan

DEI Collab: (Not So) Hidden Bias in Hiring

While some business organizations recognize and have started to implement DEI efforts in their current workforce, it is also important for efforts to be made in organizations’ hiring processes. The information below will delineate the stages of the hiring process, the bias present within different stages, and the relation of such practices to John Rawls’ justice as fairness principles.

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2020-2021 Christina Oh 2020-2021 Christina Oh

Ethics in Academia: The Professor

What constitutes an ethical professor? … students agreed that professors should “demonstrate respect for students, teach objectively, grade honestly, and should not tolerate cheating or plagiarism” (Kuther 153). We will look at a case study involving EphBlog founder and Professor David Kane of Harvard University and attempt to apply this definition of an ethical professor.

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2020-2021 Rali Sloan 2020-2021 Rali Sloan

Exploring the Ethical Obligations for DEI in the Workforce

The arguments for DEI in business are intricate, but the initiatives and results can be succinct and consequential. Companies can begin to satisfy their ethical obligation to DEI by analyzing talent practices to identify and rectify bias in not only employees but also leadership and organizational structures. Monitoring and enhancing DEI practices in recruitment, retention, engagement, investment, and promotion is financially beneficial for businesses and ultimately fosters an inclusive environment that improves employee well-being and encourages a more equitable society.

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2020-2021 Sita Tayal 2020-2021 Sita Tayal

Who’s to Blame for Rising Coronavirus Rates on College Campuses?

As universities around the country begin planning their spring semester, concerns around “the failures” of many universities to protect students in the fall are resurfacing. Underneath all of them lies the question of culpability; whether the students themselves are to blame for rampant rates of COVID-19 on campus, or whether administrators are at fault for bringing students back to a centralized location.

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Max Forster Max Forster

Naming Individuals and Identifying Persons

What functions do names fulfill? I argue that one can identify at least two functions of names. First, naming is an instrument of nomination: we name people to be able to distinguish them from other people, to talk to (or about) them. Secondly, names identify persons.

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Andreamarie Efthymiou Andreamarie Efthymiou

Call Me by My First Name

My name is how I manifest my personal identity in the external world. One is inextricable from each other. This connection is usually recognized.

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Autumn Puello Autumn Puello

A Misguided Patriarchal Emphasis

As religions have developed socially, alongside modern political atmospheres and the push for gender equality, many questions have arisen regarding the nature of the Holy Bible, other religious scriptures, and religious practices and traditions.

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Ike Crickmore Ike Crickmore

Travis Miller’s “Ethics”

“Success is not a triumph but a necessity… There's no mistaking it: You are only rewarded for the risks you are prepared to take. Once out of context, actions become indefinable. Any will power or ambition that is brought to bear is arbitrary. There are no external, urgent necessities to justify choices of profession, hobbies, or partners; no force or coercion to render life evident. Everything must come from within”

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Madi Speyer Madi Speyer

Tom Keith and the “Bro Code”

When men fail to see the obstacles women must work against, legislation that aims to improve equality for women makes men feel as though their rights and privileges are threatened.

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Madi Speyer Madi Speyer

Race, Pain Management, and Epistemic Credibility

How do we relate our pain? How can we tell our physicians and providers that we are suffering and to what degree we are suffering? Moreover, how can we describe it in a way that others can understand? This is a recurring problem in healthcare relationships and is perpetuated by deep rooted fears and stereotypes.

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