Andreamarie Efthymiou Andreamarie Efthymiou


Are we just the sum of our malleable memories?

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Andreamarie Efthymiou Andreamarie Efthymiou

Denialism: the Ethics of the Recognition of the Armenian Genocide

Post-Armenian genocide literature, as well as all literature of the Armenian diaspora has a unique ethical role in reestablishing history, even serving as a facilitator of transitional justice. Modern writing in the diaspora reflects the split and transitional identity of the Armenian people: diverse, often fragmented, and concerned with themes like survival and identity.

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2018-2019 Ike Crickmore 2018-2019 Ike Crickmore

Who is Emile?

Though Rousseau might have delivered a bit of truth when he told us that humankind is “everywhere in chains,” we must take care not to be deceived about his orientation. He represents the height of the “Enlightened Man,” of philosophical naturalism. He is also, as a symptom of the latter, a deadbeat dad.

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2018-2019 Jonathan Mccain 2018-2019 Jonathan Mccain

Appreciating African Philosophy

To gain a true appreciation for the African and African diaspora’s philosophical perspective, it is important to go beyond the modern, if not colonial, construction of African thought to see the richness of this perspective and the impact that it has had, and continues to have on human thought.

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2018-2019 Keegan Barnes 2018-2019 Keegan Barnes

Strangers Drowning Book Review

Perhaps the most compelling aspect of Strangers Drowning is the consideration of how outsiders view these “Do-Gooders.” MacFarquhar explores the uneasiness and subtle resentment that Do-Gooders often inspire by contrasting it with our response to heroes

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2018-2019 Connor Sullivan 2018-2019 Connor Sullivan

A Brief Examination of Epistemic Clones

Imagine that there is a device that is capable of instantaneously making a perfect biological copy of whatever object passes through it, and that a certain individual named Tom enters the machine, generating Thom, an epistemic clone that shares the mental and sensory faculties of the original, in addition to all experiential and propositional information.

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2018-2019 Keegan Barnes 2018-2019 Keegan Barnes

Guilt: What is it Good For?

Guilt ought to be a motivator; the discomfort should push me to do better. And yet, with a few exceptions here and there, I haven’t changed my behavior. So, what is to be done with this purposeless guilt?

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2018-2019 Annie Evans 2018-2019 Annie Evans

Why Study Philosophy?

“Philosophy asks questions about the really important things – the things that get at the heart of the human experience, that get at what is valuable, what is beautiful, and what has meaning. It gives the desire we have to understand ourselves and our world a language.”

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2018-2019 Christina Barta 2018-2019 Christina Barta

NYC Advertising and Plato's Tripartite Soul

it seems worth exploring what makes some billboards beautiful, what gives certain advertising value, and what in it, if anything, is worthy of praise. If it is true that advertising reflects what people want, it is also worth considering what our own desires are for.

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